Posts Tagged ‘scooter’

Commuting with the Ego Electric Street Scoota

September 11, 2008

After all my tests to see the distance and speed of my electric scooter, I’m happy to give it a full go and launch it into the commuting world.

Hopefully I’ll have time this weekend to check out my route up into London and see how I get on. The distance is 29.2 Miles and I have definately got 37 Miles out of it, so should be all good. The acceleration time was slightly lacking towards it final few miles but I shouldn’t have to get into that resevoir of power 😀

My main concern will be the other pedestrian commuters who will be unable to hear me coming as I’m so damn quiet (i’ll have to make my own hairdryer noises to make them aware!)

It’ll certainly be an experience – however it’ll also bring a smile to my face as i’ll save £22 a day in train fares!!! – quite a difference to the 8p to charge (especially as my work will be paying the other 8p hehe)

These are going back on sale again in late September and I would recommend to anyone who wants a cheap little run around to take the plunge and get themselves one. You can’t argue with the stats and it really is great fun.

Wish me luck and hopefully we’ll start to see a few more out on the road.

Clear your cookies and Pre-order at Firebox 😀



Can you get a passenger on your Ego Electric Street Scoota?

August 27, 2008

Does a Bear do what a Bear’s gotta do in Woodland?!!! – Hell yeah!

I have trialled my Ego Scooter with a passenger and it wasn’t suffering too much at all – I don’t think that you would want to travel the full 40 miles like it, however it certainly didn’t cut my top speed and the nippyness (is that a word? .. it is now!)

This Scooter is simply ideal if you live in a city and you work / wish to travel locally! Although the manual states that I should keep it charging at all times to maintain battery life .. . I’m a bloke and so therefore am completely disregarding this and using the ON / OFF switch under the seat. Firebox themselves have kindly mentioned that they will be looking to stock replacement batteries in the future for as little as £75 (that’s cheaper than some people’s full tank of petrol! haha) – This means that I don’t have to constantly make sure that my scoota is wired up to a plug and can leave it ready for action at any point.

It’s so great being in the knowledge that if you need to nip out for a pint of milk, that it will cost more for the milk than the trip down there!

I will be doing more distance tests in due course and am taking a punt tomorrow night that it will get me somewhere and back without me giving it a top up from the weekend …. only one way to find out hehe. (If you see someone pushing a blue Scoota along the road… say hi :D)

Get yourself on the green scoota-wagon and pre-order before they sell out again! Clear your cookies and Pre-order at Firebox 😀

Registration with Ego Electric Scooter

August 12, 2008

I am so very nearly there to getting my number plate. This process has certainly taken a bit of time to complete (it will still be another 10 days or so) however it is more down to my uncertainty (as they had no phone number) and being out the country for a while.

I received a call from them today (The number they rang on was 01565 624090) and they said that they were waiting for my licence and utility bill. I will send this off to them by recoreded delivery tomorrow and so should have this all wrapped up within the next 10 days.

Once this has all been dealt with and I’m officially on the road, I will write a full step by step effort of what to do when you receive your scooter etc.

I “read” on youtube that a guy in america seemed to get about 22 miles out of it, however it looked like he lived in a really hilly area and he weighed about 15st – I’m 10st and in a flat area so hopefully I should be able to get near the full 40 miles out of it. Again though I will do some full tests and post my findings / thoughts on here.

Don’t forget that you can pre-order here: Firebox (Clear your cookies) 😀

Now i’m off to buy a helmet! 😀




The kindness of strangers

July 14, 2008

So I had to go back to my folks on Sunday to take the Iron Crate, that my lovely little Ego Scoota came in, to the local dump site. This bad boy was not going to get in my car, as it was slightly too large (not to mention that after a week in the natural elements it had gone rather orange with rust).

After realising that it definately was not going to get in the car, I elected to walk it down there (I live just over a mile away).

So my mum and I donned our finest gardening gloves and started our trek down there with vigour. After many a stop and swapping hands we had managed to get the cumbersome object to within 500 yards of the dump. We had put it down to rest and were having a chat when some guy in a big truck pulled up and asked us if we were trying to get it down there and would we like a lift with it. Obviously we jumped at the chance and before we knew it we were down there.

After putting this safely in the corner, (where the attendent had said to …. he was probably going to sell it for scrap so at least it will get further use), we were on our way back out when another car pulled up and asked what we had been doing walking with that thing as they had seen us. After explaining, they too offered us a lift.

it just goes to show that we can all do our little bit to help. Many Thanks to those kind dumpers 😀

He ain’t heavy, he’s my Scoota

July 8, 2008

Ok so I lie! It IS heavy! 😀

My Ego electric scooter / scoota arrived this morning at 7.30am and I was there to welcome it with open arms. I would strongly recommend that you have a few mates round when you know it’s going to be delivered! This bad boy comes in a bit steel frame (for transportation) and is literally wired into it. After much chopping with wire cutters the delivery guy managed to free it for me, however it was still very tricky to get it out of the frame. I must also add that the delivery guy (Eric) was incredibly helpful and definately gets my thanks as I would have seriously struggled on my own.

It is now sitting pride of place on my drive awaiting a number plate – I ordered the extra registration effort when purchasing and am awaiting this to come through.

Currently I am unable to get it ‘on the road’ (as that would be slightly illegal) – however I will give it a charge and let you know how easy everything is to do etc.

On the whole though I am thouroughly pleased with the service and of course with the scooter.

The adventures start from here on so keep reading for more updates and I’d better go and buy some for of helmet etc 😀

You can pre-order yours here at Firebox (Clear your cookies :D)


Ego on it’s way

July 7, 2008

I will be receiving my new Ego Electric Scooter tomorrow evening (so I’m told by the delivery driver) – I will have to see if the registration etc has all been done for me (as I’m hoping it should be, seeing as I paid £50 extra for it)

I’ll then get it charged up and see if I can give it some serious testing to answer any of your questions. Feel free to post any queries you may have on here and I will see if I can find out for you.

Next step will be to find some form of helmet to go with it – I’ll post any details of any accessories I end up getting on here.

Yours excitedly


Choices Choices about the Ego electric Scooter

July 4, 2008

What colour will you be going for?

The choices are Silver, Blue and Red – I have personally ordered myself a Blue Ego Scooter (Scoota) and can’t wait for it to “pop through the letter box” 😀

Clear your cookies and Pre-order here Firebox 😀

Check back here for more updates on where to get them from and more stats on it when I have given it a good run.

Go Green with the Ego Electric Scooter

July 3, 2008

Previous electric scooters have been overpriced and never really delivered the range or ease of charging that you can get from this gem.

You could be zipping round your town or city for virtually free once you’ve purchased one of these Ego Scooters. It costs as little as 8p to get a full charge out of it and will take you around 40 miles! You’ll also be able to nip about at a rather shifty 30-35 mph!

Mine is currently on it’s way to me and I will be keeping you updated on my progress. I opted for the Blue model and can’t wait to attempt to get to work on it 😀 (it’s worth a go to beat the train costs)

I will be interested to hear from other owners / potential owners on any views and stories etc, so please feel free to add comments.

I will keep you updated on when more are in stock etc and then you too can be nipping around on an Ego electric scooter.



Clear your cookies and Pre-order here at Firebox 😀